Full Publication List


Ceno: Non-uniform, Segment and Parallel Zero-knowledge Virtual Machine
Tianyi Liu, Zhenfei Zhang, Yuncong Zhang, Wenqing Hu, and Ye Zhang
Journal of Cryptology
Bandersnatch: a fast elliptic curve built over the BLS12-381 scalar field
Simon Masson, Antonio Sanso and Zhenfei Zhang
Designs, Codes and Cryptography
Jolt-b: recursion friendly Jolt with basefold commitment
Hang Su, Qi Yang, Zhenfei Zhang


Chipmunk: Better Synchronized Multi-Signatures from Lattices
Nils Fleischhacker, Gottfried Herold, Mark Simkin and Zhenfei Zhang
ACM CCS 2023
HyperPlonk: Plonk with Linear-Time Prover and High-Degree Custom Gates
Binyi Chen, Benedikt Bünz, Dan Boneh and Zhenfei Zhang
Eurocrypt 2023
VERI-ZEXE: Decentralized Private Computation with Universal Setup
Alex Luoyuan Xiong, Binyi Chen, Zhenfei Zhang, Benedikt Bünz, Ben Fisch, Fernando Krell and Philippe Camacho
USENIX Security 2023


An SVP attack on Vortex
Zhenfei Zhang
Squirrel: Efficient Synchronized Multi-Signatures from Lattices
Nils Fleischhacker, Mark Simkin and Zhenfei Zhang
ACM CCS 2022
Post-Quantum Verifiable Random Function from Symmetric Primitives in PoS Blockchain
Maxime Buser, Rafael Dowsley, Muhammed F. Esgin, Shabnam Kasra Kermanshahi, Veronika Kuchta, Joseph K. Liu, Raphael Phan, Zhenfei Zhang


Manta: a Plug and Play Private DeFi Stack
Shumo Chu and Yu Xia and Zhenfei Zhang
Check out the Manta Project that spined off from this paper.
Practical Post-Quantum Few-Time Verifiable Random Function with Applications to Algorand
Muhammed F. Esgin, Veronika Kuchta, Amin Sakzad, Ron Steinfeld, Zhenfei Zhang, Shifeng Sun, Shumo Chu
Financial Cryptography 2021
TensorCrypto: High Throughput Acceleration of Lattice-based Cryptography Using Tensor Core on GPU
Wai-Kong Lee, Hwajeong Seo, Zhenfei Zhang and Seongoun Hwang
Hybrid Dual Attack on LWE with Arbitrary Secrets
Lei Bi, Xianhui Lu, Junjie Luo, Kunpeng Wang and Zhenfei Zhang
ZEN: Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Neural Networks
Boyuan Feng, Lianke Qin, Zhenfei Zhang, Yufei Ding, Shumo Chu


Manta: Privacy Preserving Decentralized Exchange
Shumo Chu, Qiudong Xia, Zhenfei Zhang
Pointproofs: Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments
Sergey Gorbunov, Leonid Reyzin, Hoeteck Wee, Zhenfei Zhang
ACM CCS 2020
MPSign: A Signature from Small-Secret Middle-Product Learning with Errors
Shi Bai, Dipayan Das, Ryo Hiromasa, Miruna Rosca, Amin Sakzad, Damien Stehle, Ron Steinfeld, Zhenfei Zhang
PKC 2020
Modular Lattice Signatures, revisited
Dipayan Das, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang
Design, Codes and Cryptography
1st round, NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process
BLS Signatures
Dan Boneh, Sergey Gorbonov, Riad Wahby, Hoeteck Wee, Zhenfei Zhang
Internet Draft, IETF CFRG Working Group


Middle-Product Learning with Rounding Problem and its Applications
Shi Bai, Katharina Boudgoust, Dipayan Das, Adeline Roux-Langlois, Weiqiang Wen, Zhenfei Zhang
Asiacrypt 2019
Efficient Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Arguments with Standard Soundness: Construction and Applications
Rupeng Yang, Man Ho Au, Zhenfei Zhang, Qiuliang Xu, Zuoxia Yu, William Whyte
Crypto 2019
(Linkable) Ring Signature from Hash-Then-One-Way Signature
Xingye Lu, Man Ho Au, Zhenfei Zhang
TrustCom 2019
Ring Signatures based on Middle-Product Learning with Errors Problems
Dipayan Das, Man Ho Au, Zhenfei Zhang
Africacrypt 2019
Raptor: A Practical Lattice-Based (Linkable) Ring Signature
Xingye Lu, Man Ho Au, Zhenfei Zhang
ACNS 2019
Round5: Compact and Fast Post-Quantum Public-Key Encryption
Hayo Baan, Sauvik Bhattacharya, Scott Fluhrer, Oscar Garcia-Morchon, Thijs Laarhoven, Ronald Rietman, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, Ludo Tolhuizen, Zhenfei Zhang
PQCrypto 2019
2nd round, NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process
Cryptanalysis of an NTRU-based Proxy Encryption Scheme from ASIACCS'15
Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan, Zhenfei Zhang
PQCrypto 2019


LAC: Practical Ring-LWE Based Public-Key Encryption with Byte-Level Modulus
Xianhui Lu, Yamin Liu, Zhenfei Zhang, Dingding Jia, Haiyang Xue, Jingnan He, Bao Li
First prize of Chinese post-quantum cryptography competition
2nd round, NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process
Shorter Messages and Faster Post-Quantum Encryption with Round5 on Cortex M
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, Sauvik Bhattacharya, Oscar Garcia-Morchon, Ronald Rietman, Ludo Tolhuizen, Zhenfei Zhang
Cardis 2018
On the Hardness of the Computational Ring-LWR Problem and its Applications
Long Chen, Zhenfeng Zhang, Zhenfei Zhang
Asiacrypt 2018
A signature scheme from the finite field isomorphism problem
Jeffrey Hoffstein, Joseph H. Silverman, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang
MathCrypt 2018
Practical Signatures from the Partial Fourier Recovery Problem Revisited: A Provably-Secure and Gaussian-Distributed Construction
Xingye Lu, Zhenfei Zhang, Man Ho Au
ACISP 2018
Optimizing polynomial convolution for NTRUEncrypt
Wei Dai, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang
IEEE Transaction on Computers
Fully Homomorphic Encryption from the Finite Field Isomorphism Problem
Yarkin Doröz, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, Joseph H. Silverman, Berk Sunar, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang
PKC 2018

2017 and Earlier

Choosing parameters for NTRUEncrypt
Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, John M. Schanck, Joseph H. Silverman, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang
CT-RSA 2017
Round2: KEM and PKE based on GLWR
Hayo Baan, Sauvik Bhattacharya, Óscar García-Morchón, Ronald Rietman, Ludo Tolhuizen, Jose Luis Torre-Arce, Zhenfei Zhang
NIST PQC submission
A signature scheme from Learning with Truncation
Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang
Anonymous Announcement System (AAS) for Electric Vehicle in VANETs
Man Ho Au, Joseph K. Liu, Zhenfei Zhang, Willy Susilo, Jin Li
The Computer Journal
Circuit-extension handshakes for Tor achieving forward secrecy in a quantum world
John M. Schanck, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang
PoPETs 2016
NTRU modular lattice signature scheme on CUDA GPUs
Wei Dai, Berk Sunar, John M. Schanck, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang
HPCS 2016
LLL for ideal lattices: re-evaluation of the security of Gentry-Halevi's FHE scheme
Thomas Plantard, Willy Susilo, Zhenfei Zhang
Design, Codes and Cryptography
DA-Encrypt: Homomorphic Encryption via Non-Archimedean Diophantine Approximation
Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, John M. Schanck, Joseph H. Silverman, William Whyte, Zhenfei Zhang
Fully Homomorphic Encryption Using Hidden Ideal Lattice
Thomas Plantard, Willy Susilo, Zhenfei Zhang
IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security
Adaptive Precision Floating Point LLL
Thomas Plantard, Willy Susilo, Zhenfei Zhang
ACISP 2013
On the CCA-1 Security of Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers
Zhenfei Zhang, Thomas Plantard, Willy Susilo
ISPEC 2012
Lattice Reduction for Modular Knapsack
Thomas Plantard, Willy Susilo, Zhenfei Zhang
SAC 2012
Reaction Attack on Outsourced Computing with Fully Homomorphic Encryption Schemes
Zhenfei Zhang, Thomas Plantard, Willy Susilo
ICISC 2011